7 Non-Standard Interview Questions

Continuing with yesterday’s post on Chronological In Depth Survey Interviews, I’ve enjoyed testing a variety of interview questions over the years. While there are a number of excellent resources with example interview questions available, I’ve found a few non-standard interview questions I like. Here are seven:

  1. What did you do to prepare for this interview? More details.
  2. Why do you want to join our company? More details.
  3. How would you describe our product or service to a stranger on the street?
  4. What are our core values? How do your values align with ours?
  5. What are three things you like about your current company? What are three things you really don’t like? Why?
  6. What are three things you like about your current manager? What are three thing you really don’t like? Why?
  7. What’s your work style? In what type of environment do you thrive?

Remember that an interview should be a conversation where the interviewee does most of the talking. Combine these non-standard interview questions along with your existing favorites and the Chronological In Depth Survey Interviews.

What else? What are some more non-standard interview questions that you like?

One thought on “7 Non-Standard Interview Questions

  1. I have been using a subset of this list for a set of interviews that I’m doing to fill a position, and I find that I learn far more using these questions from male candidates than I do from female candidates. In particular, male candidates are far more likely to talk about what they do not like in their company and their manager than female candidates. Is that just my experience and a case of small sample size, or is it a thing that you/others who used this list have also observed?

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